NNL Committee

The Norwich Netball League couldn’t continue without the hard work from the volunteer committee members.

Chairperson:                      Vicki Askew

Vice Chairperson:             Trish Allen

League Secretary:            Victoria Arnull

Treasurer:                             Myra Hawtree  

Results Secretary:            Jeanne Thurgill

Umpire Co-Ordinator:    Krystal Foley

Fixtures Secretary:           Jazz Taylor and Sophie Hardman

Publicity Officer:               Leah Thornton

Committee Members:     Gina Edkins, Karen Mobbs, Jo Loombe & Adelaide Ottaway

Want to join the NNL Committee?

The Norwich Netball League committee is always open to new volunteers to help run the league. 

If you would like to get involved and feel you have some skills that would support the league, then we would be very happy to hear from you to discuss through the areas you are interested in. 

Please email the league directly on norwichnetballleague@gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.